Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3-2-1 Cake!

Okay, so this isn't technically a craft or art project but I just HAD to share! This is a 3-2-1 cake. 

What you need:
One angel food cake mix
One other cake mix (whatever kind you want..I used red velvet mmm...)
Coffee cup
Tablespoon measuring spoon
(Frosting optional)

First thing you need to do is get your two boxes of cake mix and combine them in a bag.
From box to bag.

Once it's all combined, get your mug ready. Add THREE tablespoons of your mix into your coffee mug.
"Is that a Snoopy coffee mug??" Yes, yes it is.
Now add TWO tablespoons of water.

Stir with a spoon...

Pop in the microwave for ONE minute and....
TADA!!! 3-2-1!!!

Now, you can enjoy it as is or if you are like me and feel it's a crime to have a red velvet cake without cream cheese can add a smear of frosting. 

Without the frosting this is just a couple ww points plus. It depends on the cake you choose, but the other MUST be angel food for this to work. With frosting, just calculate your points. I used 1 tablespoon of cream cheese frosting, 2 points plus. It's great for unexpected guests or as a lower point dessert.


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