Monday, September 17, 2012

Marble Painting

Marble Painting

What you need:
Paint (as many colors as you like, I used three)
Marbles (again, as many as you like, I used two but you can use just one if that's all you have)
Paper (whatever color you like)
Foil pan (a cardboard box works as well)

This project is ALWAYS a hit with the kids at work! It can be used for so many projects! White paint on a winter scene makes a cool snow storm affect. But today we are focusing on space...outer space that is! We made marble painted planets!

First things first, get your paper and draw a circle.

Cut out your circle and add tape to the back. This will help with your paper not sliding around.

Take your pan and add your paint toward the outer edge of the tray (sorry I didn't snap a pic before it got all messy).  You don't need a ton, just enough for the marbles to roll through.

Here are my marbles! I thought I lost them ;)

Place the marbles into the paint.

Place the circle in the middle of the pan.

Gently rock the pan back and forth. If your marble gets stuck you may need to be a bit less gentle. Haha! Tilt the pan back and forth, side to side, all around, rolling the marbles through the paint and across the paper. If you have a younger child you think may get a bit carried away, try purchasing the foil pans that have the clear lids. This will allow your child to enjoy watching their painting, without the marbles flying across the room...some kids like to make the marbles bounce...

When you are satisfied with the outcome, remove your paper and let it dry! Okay, okay, I know what you're gonna say..."Why did you cut out the circle before the painting? Why not paint the paper and then cut the shape when it's dry?" Well since you asked, where I work, we have to do art as fast as we can to ensure all the kids get a chance to do it. I gave each child the paper and let them trace their own circle and cut it out. That way they get to practice tracing, cutting, and the painting all in one project. Had I waited for it to dry it would be a two day project. Any more questions? Haha! Seriously though, if you have the time, do the whole paper and once it's dry cut out any shape you desire and it will have this neat paint design.
