Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh SNAP Painting


I'm gonna start this post with a warning....THIS PROJECT IS MESSY!!!!
That being said...

What you need:
Some sort or tray with raised edges (like a cookie tray)
Rubber Bands (however many is up to you, I used three)
Various Water Colors (diluted food coloring will work but will stain clothes!)
Water Droppers (Not sure what the real name is but an old medicine dropper will work)
Paper (I like white, shows the colors better)
Napkins or Towels for the mess!
oh, and one more, an apron or play clothes you don't care about

Alright, first take your tray and place you rubber bands around it. STRETCH!!! I used three.  Next, slide in your paper.

Did you mix your colors? Well hurry up, I'll wait.....
Okay, good. Oh, below are those dropper things. See 'em?

Take your dropper with color and drip it onto your rubber bands. It will probably roll off and onto the paper, no worries, it's ok.  

You can do one color at a time or do multiple colors before the next step.
Once the color is on the rubber band, brace the tray with one hand, use the other to pull back the rubber band and SNAP IT!

I wish I could post the reaction the kids at work had to this! (But i wouldn't do that without parent's permission) The look of complete surprise and utter excitement when the paint splattered all over the paper, themselves, and their friends next to them was priceless!

Repeat as many times as your heart desires! This is such an easy and fun project a kid of any age can enjoy it! I only used a few colors for my example, but my kids at work made beautiful works of art!
I would love to know how this works out for you! Don't forget to leave comments!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Felt Flower #4

What you need:
Two sheets of felt ( of two different colors)
Scissors (Sharp, trust me. If you don't believe me, try dull ones)
Glue gun 
Glue sticks (cause your glue gun doesn't work with out them)
Alligator clips (optional...I'll explain later)

First things first, get your first sheet of felt. This is the color you want for the outside of your flower. I chose light purple. It's just a standard size felt sheet you can find at Michaels, Walmart, or Hobby Lobby.
From here it is EXACTLY the same steps as my original Felt Flower.
Cut a circle (the larger the circle, the larger the flower). Make a cut in where you plan on starting your spiral. PLEASE read my other Felt Flower tutorial, it has more detail. 
Cut out your spiral. 
Now, your scallop. (Confused?? You wouldn't be if you would have read my other tutorial like I told you...I'm just saying...)
Set this aside. Now, take your second sheet of felt and cut a strip about 3" or 31/2" from top to bottom, and as wide as you want. You can trim this down before adding it if you see it's too long.
Fold this in half. Now this is where the optional alligator clips come in handy. Technically you can hold this with one hand and work with the other...and if we had THREE hands, that would be fine! But since we don't, I found it's easier to use the alligator clips to hold the folded felt. My apologies to any three handed followers...
It's times like this I wish I was making a video tutorial for you guys (coming soon).
Take your scissors and cut on the folded edge of your felt about half way down. DO NOT CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH...
So far, so good? Now, begin rolling from end to end.
This is what it should look like from the top. You can add a dab of glue the end of your roll to secure it for now.
Okay, go grab your spiral. Go ahead, I'll it? Okay. Take the end of your spiral and glue it to bottom of your flower center.
Begin wrapping the spiral around your center, scallop side up. When you get to the end, add glue to the bottom and attach the circle from your spiral.

This is what the bottom should look like.

Flip it over and TADA!