Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hand Print Easter Lily

Okay, so if you know me, you know I LOVE hand print art. So this project is no different! It's a favorite of mine I do every year at work and with my class at church. It's a neat project that you can do with the kiddos and each year as your child grows so will your new lily!

What you need:
White and green construction paper
Green pipe cleaners
kid (can use adult if no kid's just kinda weird)

Okay, so first you trace your child's hand on the white paper. For this end product I made three flowers, in which case you will need to trace your child's hand three times...makes sense, right? Cut out the hand(s).

Next you are going to take the two lower sides of the hand and bring them together. Don't crease it! You want it to have a round shape to it. 
Now you insert the pipe cleaner into the bottom of the rounded hand print and staple it closed.

Now grab that pencil! We're almost done! Beginning at the tips of the fingers, roll the paper around the pencil towards you. Repeat for all five fingers...unless you don't have that many...
So far, so good? You can stop with one or you can make as many as you want! For my example I made three and added two leaves. Should you decide to's what you do.
Trace your child's shoe.

Once it's cut out, cut it straight down the middle.
Now, using that pencil rolling you did with the hand (which you're a pro at now, right?), roll each shoe half at a diagonal. 

Now attach them to flower(s) and display proudly! 

You can get a bit more creative if you want and use yellow pipe cleaners for the center of the flower.
Hope this one will become an Easter favorite with you too!

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